Oh I bought land - on a whim. I just needed a place to build. SO - i called it "The DAAANG Kingdom of Launchia." When I logged in today - my SL world weather matched my RL world weather - snow and cold BRRRRR. So i rezzed an ice rink and we had a spontaneous skating party and shot ourselves out of a cannon.
Later on...I logged back in to work on a script for a friend. My buddy Max soon got involved to help out.
Somehow a crowd gathered.... I honestly was not paying attention so much as i was in the nerd zone.
Anyway - to test the script we were using a super creative object.....THE CUBE of WONDER.
Krissie sat on the cube I was working on. SO - I made it physical and sent her 400M up. hehehe she bounced when she landed again. YAY.
That is how this started. . . anyway here are the action shots from what happened next!
It does NOT cost a lot to have a little bit of fun with friends.
lol@oldbies v. newbies :P