Monday, February 21, 2011

was feeling silly so i made this

Mardi Gras is coming up...and that got me to thinking... what if...
So  here's a launcher that Mardi Gras themed goofiness in mouse view - bras, beads, feathers, more beads...

Available now at Fire GOOD!!! Main Store.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fun Stuff at Fire GOOD!!!

Lately I have not been around SL very much. My RL schedule is kicking my butt. So my notices on new stuff and hunt prizes are just plain LATE.  There are several hunt prizes and new items scattered about my shop. I'm just gonna cover them all in one epic post.   So stop by the Fire GOOD!!! main shop and get the loot before it's gone.

Last day of the Circus Freak Hunt is today, February 13th.
Look for the lolly pop to get this silly fire breathing circus freak prop.
Hint: look upstairs for fire you can wear.
Suddenly Yours Hunt – Feb 1 – 28th
Find the cute little hearts to get the Talk Nerdy T shirt and Particle Montage.
Hint: LOL cats are so funny … SNORT!

Bourbon St. Hunt Feb 8 – March 8th
Hint: so fun to launch those mardi gras beads!
Find the Mardi Gras Mask for this fun Mardi Gras Party Particle Montage – wear it or rez it for a festive continuously changing particle effect.
Nature's Hunt: When Roses turn Black Feb 1 - 28th
Find the black rose for this prize:
Hint: look for the black rose near the pink roses.

The Bald Hunt Feb 1 - 28th 
Find the green bottle for this coffee inspired prize.  Hint: Wanna fight?!?!

The Dead Man's Hand Hunt Feb 1 - March 31st
You have to check out this hunt! - buy the hud and find all 52 cards in the Dead Man's Hand hunt.  Once you find all of the cards, you will find a bunch of additional prizes in the prize dungeon at the end.   Find the 8 of spades to find the Joker's Blaster at Fire GOOD!!!  More info on this hunt on the mad pea games site and on the poster in my shop.

For some Mardi Gras Fun new party explosions - explosion of feathers, beads, and all sorts of mardi gras fun in purple, green, and Gold.

Just for giggles... the LOL Cat Launcher.  This sweet little kitty launches LOLs and Cats in mouse view.  Muhahahaha.

Have Fun!!!
